Blueline bjælke med "The Blue Line" tekst


With ring – Blue painted

With ring - Blue painted

Part no. Dia. Description
A16FO-R 16 A16FO + C16-85STO
A19FO-R 19 A19FO + C19-110STO
A22FO-R 22 A22FO + C22-120STO
A25FO-R 25 A25FO + C25-130STO
A28FO-R 28 A28FO + C28-150STO
A25BO-R 25 A25BO + C25-130STO
A28BO-R 28 A28BO + C28-150STO
A32BO-R 32 A32BO + C32-150STO
A38BO-R 38 A38BO + C38-150STO
A32ST-R 32 A32ST + C32-150STO
A38ST-R 38 A38ST + C38-150STO

Swivels are available with rings, thimbles, recessed rings and splitlinks on inquiry.

Against extra charge are all swivels available tested and with certificate.