BMM Performs material analysis of metals using a portable NitonTM XL3t GOLD+ XRF Analyzer, PMI x-ray analyzer (positive material identification). It is a non destructive test that determines the chemical composition of the metal in order to avoid mixing up materials. Material analysis makes it possible to compare data with specifications of material certificates from suppliers. Furthermore unknown metals can be determined.
Examples of use:
* Quality control of stainless steel trade products.
* Inspection of content of silicon in steel in connection with hot dip galvanizing.
* Issuing control certificate of material, for instance in connection with welding documentation or strength calculations.
* Inspection of correct use of welding materials.
Every analysis can be completed with a material certificate.
Brdr. Markussens Metalvarefabrik A/S
Sverigesvej 5-11
DK-7480 Vildbjerg
Tlf. +45 99 92 00 00